What does it mean to look back to a work of art created more than eighty years ago? What does it mean to spend years looking for the traces that ensue from it, and to travel in search of people who could have seen it or danced it at different times, in different countries? What do I keep from this all? What are the residues of this quest? What are the impressions left by the examination of all those documents, names, witnesses, words? What are the traces left in me by this journey and by all those faces? What is the impact of these multiple exchanges and encounters during which the biographies of those interviewed, their personal stories, mix with the work and with collective history? What is the impact of the words heard, received, have they been digested or not? What does it mean to follow tracks, sometimes blindly, trusting a sign, an intuition, a deduction, without letting go? What does it mean to work, partly, looking for ghosts, deceased, and surrounded by them? Can a research work “colonize” the person who searches? And if so, how does one break free from this “occupation”? What are the traces that remain and what do I retain of this whole experience?
Olga de Soto
production Niels Production
coproduction Charleroi Danses — Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Brussels), Le Phare - Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Haute Normandie (Le Havre), Pôle Sud - Centre de Développement chorégraphique (Strasbourg)
with the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles — Secteur danse
residencies of creation in La Raffinerie - Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Brussels), Pôle Sud (Strasbourg), Le Phare (Le Havre), Centro Nacional de las Artes (San Luís Potosí).
length 55 min
This performance includes texts in Spanish, French, English and German.
There are versions in French and English..
concept, choreography, documentation, text, edition and performance
Olga de Soto
lighting Philippe Gladieux
light technician Geni Diez
sound Mathieu Farnarier
video and sound technician Eric Desjeux or Benoît Pelé
set design Olga de Soto
construction of the set Daniel Huard
translation Jill De Muelenaere and Olga de Soto
subtitles Niels Production
with the voices of Edith del Campo, Ann Hutchinson Guest, Renate Pook, Marina Grut, Jacqueline Challet-Haas, Philip Lansdale, Joan Turner Jara, Toer Van Schayk, Christian Holder, Fernando García, Juan Allende Blin, Nora Salvo, Gerd Zacher, Jeanne Brabants, Michelle Nadal, Fernando Beltramí, Hanns Stein
and Olga de Soto
Premiered in October 2015 at Biennal Charleroi Danses, La Raffinerie, in Brussels.
© Mila Ros, Françoise Rognerud
(ELLE) RETIENT (2015) | teaser 1
07 OCT 2015, Biennale de Charleroi, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
22 JAN 2016, Festival Pharenheit, Le Phare Centre Chorégraphique du Havre, Le Havre (FR)
13 OCT 2016, Danseurs, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
5 OCT 2017, Objectif Danse 08, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
30 JAN 2018, Festival Vivat La Danse, Le Vivat, Armentières (FR)
08 FEB 2018, Festival Pays de Danses, Théâtre de Liège, Liège (BE)
09 FEB 2018, Festival Pays de Danses, Théâtre de Liège, Liège (BE)
29 NOV 2018, Pôle Sud, Strasbourg (FR)
30 NOV 2018, Pôle Sud, Strasbourg (FR)