INCORPORER (2004) — Olga de Soto

© Catherine Alvès


accompanied solo #1

INCORPORER is the first chapter or ‘accompanied solo’ in a series of four which the starting point is the performance Éclats mats, a piece for three dancers and a viola player, created in 2011 and revived in 2005 at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. After creating Éclats mats, I chose to isolate the performers on the stage to go deeper into the exploration of the corporeal matter and bodily states, the occupation of space and the relationship to time that I had established in the 'mother'-piece, this time conceiving a research and creation project to be developed over a period of six years.

INCORPORER, initially conceived for Vincent Druguet, has been transmitted to Sylvain Prunenec in 2007.

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This work exists in different versions and can be presented on a conventional theatre stage or in an exhibition space, for an adult audience or a young audience.

In terms of form, the project consists of a series of solos that are not as they appear, as they could just as easily be duets, trios or quartets. No chapter is what it seems. They have the particularity of being 'accompanied solos', expressed through a game of relay where the principal actor of each chapter cedes his/her place to one the accompanists for the following chapter, who is in turn accompanied by someone else.

By choosing and distorting the form of the solo, I wish to explore the solitude staged in Éclats mats in greater depth, sometimes by accentuating, sometimes by attenuating. The chapters, created separately, are progressively assembled to form a whole, growing larger with time.

Each new chapter requires the reactivation and reconstruction of the former ones, those that precede and accompany it through its different phases, as it integrates itself to its sequel, transforming and developing throughout the process. The titles are arranged consecutively, which not only generates the title of the entire piece, but also defines the action developed in each phase.

concept and choreography Olga de Soto
set design and costumes Thibault Vancraenenbroeck
clepsidrae Anne Mortiaux
lighting Gilles Gentner
sound diffusion and real time spatialisation Pierre Gufflet
technical direction Christophe Gualde
with Sylvain Prunenec accompanied by Olga de Soto
This work was initially created for and performed by Vincent Druguet and Olga de Soto

production Niels Production (Brussels)

coproduction Centre Pompidou / Les Spectacles Vivants (Paris), with the support of Nadine (Brussels) and Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté (Belfort)

length 35 min.

© Catherine Alvès

INCORPORER | extract
Charleroi danse, Brussels, 2007


20 MAR 2004, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR) — avant-première
26 MAR 2004, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
27 MAR 2004, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
28 MAR 2004, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
26 MAR 2006, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté / Festival La Belge Quinzaine, in collaboration with Théâtre Le Granit Scène Nationale, Belfort (FR)
12 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
13 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
14 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
27 APR 2006, Festival Compil d’Avril, La Raffinerie, Charleroi/Danses, Brussels (BE)
23 MAR 2007, Biennale de Charleroi Danses, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
24 MAR 2007, Biennale de Charleroi Danses, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
17 NOV 2007, Centre André Malraux Scène Nationale, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (FR)
11 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
12 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
13 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
20 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
21 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
30 SEP 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
01 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
02 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)