Incorporer ce qui reste (2006) — Olga de Soto

© Pierre Grosbois


accompanied solos #1 & #2

INCORPORER ce qui reste pursues the path taken by the previous experiences, the 'mother-piece' Éclats mats and INCORPORER, the accompanied solo which is the first chapter of the suite. This time, the witness in the preceding chapter changes places, stepping out of her secondary role to take charge of the action. She devotes herself to the tangible substances of the explored elements and objects, but also to what might remain intangible and what might potentially disappear by virtue of this invisibility. Spaces and times that we inhabited and crossed through. Structuring a body that is marked by the places we’ve been.

INCORPORER ce qui reste spans the two first chapters or accompanied solos in a suite of four based on Éclats mats, a piece for three dancers and a viola player, created in 2011 and revived in 2005 at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. After creating Éclats mats, I chose to isolate the performers on the stage to go deeper into the exploration of the corporeal matter and bodily states, the occupation of space and the relationship to time that I had established in the 'mother'-piece, this time conceiving a research and creation project to be developed over a period of six years.

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concept and choreography Olga de Soto
scenography Thibault Vancraenenbroeck and Olga de Soto
clepsydrae Anne Mortiaux
costumes Thibault Vancraenenbroeck
lighting Gilles Gentner
sound spatialisation and real-time diffusion Pierre Gufflet
technical direction and set technician Christophe Gualde
with Olga de Soto accompanied by Florence Augendre and Edith Christoph
preceded by Sylvain Prunenec accompanied by Olga de Soto

production Niels Production (Brussels)

coproduction Les Spectacles Vivants / Centre Pompidou (Paris), Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté (Belfort) in the frame of "l'accueil-studio" - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Centre André Malraux Scène National (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy) and Charleroi danse / Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Brussels, Charleroi)

with the support of Kunstencentrum Netwerk (Aalst) (chapter #2) and Nadine (Brussels) (chapter #1)

length 1h05 min

© Catherine Alvès, Jean-Jacques Chabut

Extract from the recording filmed at Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels, in October 2009.


26 MAR 2006, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté / Festival La Belge Quinzaine, en collaboration avec Théâtre Le Granit Scène Nationale, Belfort (FR) - avant-première
12 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
13 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
14 APR 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
23 MAR 2007, Biennale de Charleroi Danses, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
24 MAR 2007, Biennale de Charleroi Danses, La Raffinerie, Brussels (BE)
17 NOV 2007, Centre André Malraux Scène Nationale, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (FR)
11 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
12 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
13 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
20 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
21 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
30 SEP 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
01 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
02 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)